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/ 40 ratings

Open world survival sandbox game that gives players the freedom to build and explore

Mojang |
updated on October 10, 2024
2.1mb | demo


Multiplayer options for more fun
Creative mode is available for threat-free building
Modding and online multiplayer community is very active


It isn't free
Price: €
In Minecraft, you're thrown into a world with nothing but the clothes on your back. The entire world is made up of blocks and you're given the ability to break these blocks with your hands.

Doing so can collect resources such as wood, grass, dirt and cobblestone. Initially, there's no real objective - you must simply learn how to take these resources, craft them into tools, and survive the first night against dangerous mobs.

When the first morning hits, you'll have understood the game a little bit more. As you play for longer, you'll start to find out more about how this game works and how expansive it is. There's so much to do in Minecraft. Whether you're out mining diamonds, building a fancy home, or spending time looking for bosses to kill, there's something for everybody.

The base single player version is just the beginning as well. There's another mode called creative, which allows you to use the in-game blocks to build to your heart's content. There's no risk of dying and you're free to use your imagination to build things within the game.

There is also multiplayer - players can host their own servers or purchase a Minecraft Realms, and other players can join these to play together.

Many of the multiplayer population participate in modded servers. These are servers with user-created worlds and game modes. The expansive modding tools give players the opportunity to truly turn Minecraft into any type of game under the sun.
Reviewed by (editor rating 5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

Additional info

Licence limitations

• Limited game play

Previous versions

Operating system


Supported languages

Available in multiple languages


Total: 944
Last week: 13

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